
Nina Kemp Jones

Close-up of Nina

about Nina

I’m Nina and I’m the Regional Development Manager for Foster Wales. I’m passionate about offering the best possible support, learning and development to local authority foster carers in Gwent.

I’ve been a qualified social worker for over 25 years, working in child protection, youth offending, parenting, fostering and adoption.

I believe that with resilient, well supported foster carers who have learning opportunities, we can create a brighter future for children.

Nina’s fostering tips

  1. Relationships are key. Start by spending time with a child and getting to know each other.
  2. The right fit. Matching the right foster carer with a child, makes a huge difference
  3. Don’t discount teenagers. They have a great sense of humour and have a lot to offer.
  4. Learning and development. Developing your knowledge and skills is essential to understanding a child’s history and providing a trauma-informed response.
  5. Self-care is important. Make sure you take care of yourself as well as others when working with the emotions of families and children’s lives
Group of four receiving award

my career

I qualified as a social worker in 1999 with the Open University. I am registered with Social Care Wales. My career to date has included the role of Team Manager with the South-East Wales Adoption Service.

Nina standing at her front door

I was proud to play a key role in developing the National Fostering Framework in Wales, which led to the launch of Foster Wales in 2021. I shared my own personal story as part of the launch.

Woman inspired by her ‘amazing’ foster carer becomes social worker and wants more people to consider fostering – Wales Online

If you are interested in fostering, or a local business willing to support their local fostering community, reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Recent blog posts by Nina Kemp Jones